Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Hi all!! We have a change of plans. As you all know, we do not have a lot of parking at our house. With all the snow/ice that we have received this week, we are moving the party. The party will be at Northside Baptist Church. If you are coming from Houston on Hwy 63, continue past E Hwy (our hwy) another .25 to .50 mile. The Church is on the left . I hope everyone can still come. Call me if you have any questions. We will have beans and cornbread, hotdogs and chips, and CAKE! Take care and have a good week!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Kaden's Pictures

Magic Moments Studio

We had Kaden's 3 y/o pics done last week. you can follow the link above and see them. Kaden is under Children and is the 1st one on the page. Can anyone else believe that he is going to be THREE in less than a week? I am in denial! Kaden has acquired our ability to name animals.....i.e our two dogs that were both named puppy, Spot the cat and so on. He has named his pig: Pigger. His cow: CowCow. His mouse: Mousey Mouse Mouse. The dog that came with the name of Aggie (thank goodness). He is a very literal kid, calls it like he sees it.

What does everyone think of this snow? I'm sorry, it is not snow, just pure sleet and ice! I worked last night and it was not bad at all, people actually stayed at home. I just hope that tonight people do the same.

So, I am supposed to make Kaden a Mack Truck cake for his b-day. He loves Cars the movie and it plays at least 2 times per day. I like to make his b-day cakes, but this one may be too much for me. Pray that I can make a red truck cake that looks enough like a semi that my kid won't be disgusted with me.

Hope you all enjoy the pictures and have a great snow day....I am off to bed and hope that the roads are clear when I go to work tonight.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Kaden's Pictures

Ok so my whining paid off about not being able to have outdoor pics. Turned out, the appt before us cancelled therefore allowing us to go get pics done in the daylight! Downside, it was stinkin' COLD! Poor Kaden said, "Mommy, I'm FREEZING!" He did well for the pics and I got Russsell to even take a few. Go to

to see Kaden's pics. Roxie took too many for me to chose from! Well we are off to Rolla for Mack's B-day party. Happy Saturday!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

pictures and party

OK, so I do not have any cool pics of Kaden today, but I am thinking...We are having pictures taken tonight by Roxie and I cannot decide what to wear or what to put Kaden in either. The pics are for his b-day coming up and we are having a Cars theme, so I cannot decide if we should go with play clothes and toys or a more dressed up version. I have been looking at some picture blogs to get ideas of what we can do, but 99% of my favorite pics are outdoor, daylight scenes....problem is our appt is afterdark in January. I did discover a new favorite photo blog and I added it to my blogs that I follow. It is Eyesmile Photography....awesome pictures!!
Another item I have been meaning to blog about, Kaden's 3rd b-day party. We are having his b-day party Jan. 31st, 2009 @ 1:00pm at our house. The Chamber banquet is that night so hopefully everyone can make it before then. Well I am off to bed, maybe my subconscious will lead me to wear the right clothes! Happy Tuesday!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kaden and Aggie

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Kaden has been sick this week. We went to Springfield to the Dr. Tuesday and he has another ear infection and a bad cough. I promised him that if he was good on the ride there and in the Dr's office, then we could go to Toy R Us. He did not know what that was except that it had toys in the name, so he was excited. So, after seeing the Dr. and finding out he had an ear infection that I knew nothing about, and him getting a breathing treatment for the cough, which by the way, he took like a champ, I was feeling like a really crappy mom. The remeady to feeling like a bad mom? Take your kid to the toy store! After riding on the really cool bike that hooks into the TV that plays games, he decided on the stuffed Collie dog. Reta came with us and said that the dog looked like Chad and Liz's dog Aggie. So it was there that the stuffed Collie was named Aggie. Sorry Liz, Kaden likes to copy things.

Kaden is starting to feel better today. We listed our house with Remax this morning and when Barb was taking pictures, Kaden wanted his taken with Aggie. He then started playing patty cake with the with her. He is so funny!
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The Tent

Kaden got a Cars tent for Christmas. He has since taken up residence in it. His toddler bed mattress fits perfectly in the tent, so what's the harm? This is the trial run and of course Dad had to try it out with him. I think I was threatened with something if this picture ended up on our blog....but since I do not remember what he threatened....I'm posting it anyway.
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