Monday, February 22, 2010

More pics




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Kaden's 4th B-day pictures

Here is a little preview of Kaden's 4th b-day pics. We woke up this morning and Kaden was in a good mood, so we moved the furniture out of the way, and took some pics. I have been meaning to take him to someone and get his pics made but with the surgery and our schedule being crazy lately, it hasn't happened yet. So before he turns 5, maybe we will get some real ones taken, but till then, these will have to do. Hope you like them.

On a side note, Kaden has been feeling much better. He is talking a lot more and running around like a wild man. He isn't whining near as much now (thank goodness)!




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Monday, February 15, 2010


As most of you know, Kaden had his tonsils and adenoids taken out and tubes put in his ears Friday. He is doing a little better today, he ate some jello last night and has drank a little juice today. Yesterday was pretty painful for him and it was really hard to get his medicine in him. We had to resort to suppositories one time. He is taking his meds today. he is having a lot of ear pain, not from the tubes but from the referred pain of his tonsilectomy. The Dr. said it exposed nerve ending and the pain is felt in the ears. I really wish I could make it better, but is really the only thing that will help. He still won't talk except a few words a day, so it has been unusually quiet around here. Thanks to everyone for the calls and prayers! The new puppy seems to help him, they cuddle together and watch movies. He has a deer hunting game that hooks to the TV and he has been killing a lot of deer! I will be home with him until Thursday and after that I am not sure what our schedule will be like. Come over and see him, he likes the company and attention he is getting!!

Some more pics from Kaden's Party





Here are some more pics from Kaden's party.
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Kaden's b-day party





We had Kaden's party on Jan. 30th, 2009 at Northside Baptist Church. A lot of people could not make it due to the snow we got the night before, but we still had a good time. Kaden wanted a dog party, so the kids got to eat from dog bowls and make dogtags. They hit a pinata at the end. We had a good time. Can't believe he is 4 already!!
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