Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sticker Man

I hope you all love how I am only blogging once per week at best lately, but I have been busy. I am still taking pics on a fairly regular basis, just not posting them. So, I decided lots of posts on one day was better than nothing at all. This is a random shot from a few nights ago. Kaden fell asleep on our bed while watching his show. I guess having stickers on your shirt is too boring, so he put them on his face before falling asleep. I had to pull them off before I put him in his bed and let me tell you, he was out! He didn't even move as them came off his face. These are the same stickers that Jim and DJ gave him for his birthday. He puts stickers on everyday and anyone else who is around gets at least one if not more. I recommend buying sticker books for kids this age, the book still has more left in it than Kaden has used and we have had it since January.
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