Saturday, December 5, 2009

Downtown with Santa 2009

Tonight we went downtown where they had Santa arriving on the firetruck to light the tree at Lonestar Plaza. Before Santa arrived, we got to ride in horse drawn wagons sponsored by the FFA. They took us on a ride through downtown. It was a lot of fun. After that, Santa came blazing up in the firetruck with sirens blaring! As he got out of the firetruck, Kaden walked right up to him and Santa hugged him and took some pics with him in the street. Kaden thought that was the neatest thing ever! After santa lit the tree, we went over the the trophy shop and took pics with santa in the window booth. Kaden told him all about his wish for farm toys, a train and a GARBAGE TRUCK WITH GARBAGE CANS! Really! My child wants a garbage truck for Christmas! Russ and I have already purchased it thank goodness.
We had fun tonight and this is the first time Kaden has had his pic taken with Santa. Make sure you scroll down the blog a ways, and maybe to the next page, I loaded a bunch of pictures. --Abby




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