Saturday, December 5, 2009

Downtown with Santa 2009

Tonight we went downtown where they had Santa arriving on the firetruck to light the tree at Lonestar Plaza. Before Santa arrived, we got to ride in horse drawn wagons sponsored by the FFA. They took us on a ride through downtown. It was a lot of fun. After that, Santa came blazing up in the firetruck with sirens blaring! As he got out of the firetruck, Kaden walked right up to him and Santa hugged him and took some pics with him in the street. Kaden thought that was the neatest thing ever! After santa lit the tree, we went over the the trophy shop and took pics with santa in the window booth. Kaden told him all about his wish for farm toys, a train and a GARBAGE TRUCK WITH GARBAGE CANS! Really! My child wants a garbage truck for Christmas! Russ and I have already purchased it thank goodness.
We had fun tonight and this is the first time Kaden has had his pic taken with Santa. Make sure you scroll down the blog a ways, and maybe to the next page, I loaded a bunch of pictures. --Abby




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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

City Hunter.......

As I was going through deer season photos, I came upon this undisclosed city boy, deer hunter. I will mention no names, but please feel very bad for the pony involved....
Sorry if you received the post earlier with horse pics, I posted the wrong photos--Happy Thanksgiving, and please bring up this photo at the dinner table....Abby


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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Russell's 9 point buck...

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The deer we didn't hunt....

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Abby's First Deer 2009

So I have to blog reallu quick, but here is a pic of my first deer. It was a doe that I killed at our farm. Russell, Josh and and Aimee were all there, it was a really neat day! Russ has also killed a buck, I'll post pics of it later....gotta go to work!

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Some more Pumpkin patch pictures

Here are some more pictures to go with the ones from the last post.




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Kaden at the Pumpkin Patch 2009

Kaden's Daycare went to the pumkin patch at Bendavis. He had a really good time with his friends. He got to pick out a pumkin to take home and we had a picnic lunch there.




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Sunday, October 18, 2009






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Fall 2009

We have been super busy lately. Fall is here full force and feels like yesterday that I was posting fair pictures. This morning was our first frost, and boy was it a frost. I woke up at 6:00 am this morning, and looked out the window, and thought there was snow!! It was really pretty. Kaden spent the night with Roy and Reta, so Russell and I went to Sunday School at Church, then he went to feed cows and pick up Kaden and I came home and made pizza. Then I went out and started staining the rest of our trim for our living room. (When it is all done, I will post before and after pics). Russell shot his bow for a while and then went hunting. Kaden woke up from his nap and rode his bike for a while. I found some caulk in the garage so touched up the old caulk around all the windows and doors of the house for the winter. Kaden and I went on a walk and adventure after that. The lot behind us that we bought, has an old rusted glider that still glides, and I love it. Kaden and I moved it over under a tree and he let me take some pictues of him on it. We walked around a bit more and took pictures of some of the things around our house. Kaden then went and stole "Miss Amanda's" football from her yard and played football. We have had a really good day and I will post more pics later. Hope everyone had a really good Sunday too!
P.S. Sorry I have been M.I.A. recently, I am addicted to Facebook now and rarely find the time to blog. You can catch me on Facebook!




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Friday, September 18, 2009

Kaden's New Pony !!

Kaden got a new pony today!! He is so excited and so are we! He looks like the perfect size and has shown no signs of being aggressive. I can just see him riding this pony with his legs wrapped under it's belly and his arms around it's neck. We are calling it "Jaqs" tonight, who knows what tomorrow will bring though. Reta took these pics tonight and he looks pretty happy. I'll keep you all posted on how it goes.



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Saturday, August 22, 2009

More Zoo Pics

Here are some more Zoo pics. The last one was taken 5 mins. after we left the Zoo. He had a really fun and exciting day.




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